Title: Deficit of "Oracle monsters" Post by: Mazec on July 24, 2004, 03:12:17 am Has anybody noticed that there seem to be no monsters who reveal the location of the Oracle on the OpOverkill World HQ BBS?
I've been playing the Journeyman board for about two weeks, have checked pretty much all of the monsters on the first three levels repeatedly (with a Galacticom, thank you), and have not seen a single set of coordinates to date. So far, I've only achieved level 6, so only 1st level monsters have been closed to this possibility. Has anyone else noticed this at all? Title: Deficit of "Oracle monsters" Post by: Mazec on July 28, 2004, 02:40:44 am Nevermind- I found 'em
8) Title: Deficit of "Oracle monsters" Post by: Tarix on August 06, 2004, 03:15:32 am Quote from: "Mazec" Nevermind- I found 'em 8) Don't forget only Humanoids ever give out coordinates. That makes it pretty easy to come up with a checklist. Good luck. :) |