Title: PRINCE CONRAD Post by: Blazewarrior on November 02, 2004, 07:34:48 am Hello? You still there?
I have a feeling I know who you are......Wes, perhaps? This is Dragonstar, your underpaid wasteland tour guide. Today our tour will take us down to the vile and smelly depths of map 5, where we will be learning some nice cave decorating tips from Martha "Shrie" Stewart, who will also devour our brains in a lovely Jublatta Soup...... 8O Title: Re: PRINCE CONRAD Post by: Dustin on November 20, 2004, 04:16:16 am Quote from: "Blazewarrior" This is Dragonstar, your underpaid wasteland tour guide. Today our tour will take us down to the vile and smelly depths of map 5, where we will be learning some nice cave decorating tips from Martha "Shrie" Stewart, who will also devour our brains in a lovely Jublatta Soup...... Haha! Someone give this guy an able pen... he's aching to write some fantastic wasteland stories! |