Title: and yet another Hello Post by: The-Mad-Dwarf on December 30, 2004, 12:26:53 pm Howdy folks.
Just wanted ta drop a note to those of ya that drop by, that the Mad Dwarf is still playing the odd OOII game. This last time its been a 1-2 year absense since I've found an active game to poke my nose into. I've gotton senile since then I've discovered. First off, I ran around with the Black Plague awhile. Big oops.. :roll: Decided ta play the char out anyways even though I didn't catch the stat decline till I had 11 dex. Ahhhh *thats* what a vacpack does.. I knew that!! I can't belive after, uhmmmm (gotta think ta count here.. just a sec..) uhhhhhh... 15 years.. (16, hrmmmm well.. close nuff.) of playing this game I've forgotton some of the finer details of survival in the wastelands. At least I haven't teleported myself into rock yet.. :lol: The Mad Dwarf ***Another incarnation of a DamFrawd*** Title: Re: and yet another Hello Post by: Tarix on December 31, 2004, 03:20:29 am Quote from: "The-Mad-Dwarf" ... I've forgotton some of the finer details of survival in the wastelands. I think I speak for most of us when I say, "Damn, I forgot how hard this game is!" Things have certainly changed over the years. OOII was brutal and cruel and we all loved it for that. Welcome back! Title: Re: and yet another Hello Post by: Dustin on January 15, 2005, 07:52:59 am Quote from: "Tarix" Quote from: "The-Mad-Dwarf" ... I've forgotton some of the finer details of survival in the wastelands. I think I speak for most of us when I say, "Damn, I forgot how hard this game is!" Things have certainly changed over the years. OOII was brutal and cruel and we all loved it for that. Welcome back! Indeed, welcome back to the abyss, MadDwarf! Great to have your presence here. Always good for a laugh! (and no, I'm not harping on your Tevix skills... this time). :lol: And the funny thing is, about this game, that I'm not very good at it! So, for the latter versions, we've leaned towards making the game easier, more accessible, and allowing the game to get its hooks into the players more quickly. (inotherwords, I have been making it easier for *me* to kick everyone ELSE'S ass! :twisted: ) -Weez |