Title: Ansiterm Post by: The-Mad-Dwarf on January 01, 2005, 04:02:52 pm Blah~.. I've just spent a coupla hours dinking with trying to get one or the other of the OOII ansi terms to work with telnet and my cable modem. Anybody want ta slip me some info on how to play OOII with an ansiterm made for the game via telnet..? I miss the speeeeeed!
Df Title: Re: Ansiterm Post by: Tarix on January 06, 2005, 09:07:00 am Quote from: "The-Mad-Dwarf" Blah~.. I've just spent a coupla hours dinking with trying to get one or the other of the OOII ansi terms to work with telnet and my cable modem. Anybody want ta slip me some info on how to play OOII with an ansiterm made for the game via telnet..? I miss the speeeeeed! Download (http://www.operationoverkill.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=2) Press Alt-C Type the address Go! Title: Ansiterm Post by: The-Mad-Dwarf on January 08, 2005, 12:13:32 pm nope. DL'ed that already. hit alt-c and typed both Telnet:// etc etc and http:// etc etc.. and failed both times. Just tried it without the telnet/http and connected ... but the funny part is I connected to a game I forgot I was playing.. Now I gotta figure out where I landed. LOL. (now.. what bbs is still useing Zavernus terrain.. hrmmm)
DF Title: Ansiterm Post by: Tarix on January 08, 2005, 02:44:16 pm Quote from: "The-Mad-Dwarf" nope. DL'ed that already. hit alt-c and typed both Telnet:// etc etc and http:// etc etc.. and failed both times. Just tried it without the telnet/http and connected ... but the funny part is I connected to a game I forgot I was playing.. Now I gotta figure out where I landed. LOL. (now.. what bbs is still useing Zavernus terrain.. hrmmm) Just enter the address you want to connect to. For example if you want to play here just type: bbs.operationoverkill.com |