Title: Greetz to you all Post by: RoachIII on January 23, 2005, 02:36:44 am First of all, I want to say greetingz to you all. I've played OO since around 91. I once had it set up on an old 8086 monochrome machine with four other roomates and we took turns playing it locally for months.
Good times, good times.............................. Anyway, does anyone know where I can get a hold of the first and original OO? It's been a long time and I really yearn for the nostalgia. Title: Greetz to you all Post by: The-Mad-Dwarf on January 23, 2005, 02:15:46 pm howdy.
The first version of Operation Overkill was lost in a HD crash if I recall right. It never made it to BBs play really. (thus it being called OO II or OO 2 ) Theres alotta differance between the game now and its first played version. I may still have that version saved on a disk somewhere. I'm not sure. I know I have one of the older versions on a floppy disk though. I may even have my old reg #'s for the game and the game editor. I'll go looking thru my disks and see what I can find The Mad Dwarf **another incarnation of a Dam Frawd** PS. to the sysop.: where did my last posts go!! I was censored!! I demand a re-count! Title: Greetz to you all Post by: RoachIII on January 24, 2005, 02:33:46 am Hello.
The version that I remember used conventional weapons. The electric sword was the highest you could get and was "wierd" compared to the other more traditional styles. That's about all I can remember right now. Title: Greetz to you all Post by: Dustin on January 28, 2005, 01:51:49 am Quote from: "RoachIII" Hello. The version that I remember used conventional weapons. The electric sword was the highest you could get and was "wierd" compared to the other more traditional styles. That's about all I can remember right now. Haha! You can blame Thundar the Barbarian and Ukla the Mok for the Electric Sword influences. :o -Dustin Title: Greetz to you all Post by: Dustin on January 28, 2005, 02:00:37 am Quote from: "The-Mad-Dwarf" The first version of Operation Overkill was lost in a HD crash if I recall right. It never made it to BBs play really. (thus it being called OO II or OO 2 ) That really sucked. I remember the day. My entire body froze up in realization of what had happened. "Back-ups? We don't need no stinkin' back-ups." Oops. But hey, John Carmack scrapped each of his game engines every time he wrote a new Doom/Quake version. HA! Quote from: "The-Mad-Dwarf" Theres alotta differance between the game now and its first played version. I may still have that version saved on a disk somewhere. I'm not sure. I know I have one of the older versions on a floppy disk though. I may even have my old reg #'s for the game and the game editor. I'll go looking thru my disks and see what I can find And actually, the very FIRST incarnation was called Dark Wastelands, and was written in Pascal, inspired from the game Pyroto Mountain. But, the makers of Pyroto didn't like the similarities, and neither did I, so I hit off into a new direction... and that's when the Operation commenced. As for the name, "Overkill" is inspired from an old "Tunnels & Trolls" solo-adventure (much like "Dungeons & Dragons"). And the "Operation:" part dervies from another RPG game called "Top Secret", with one of the scenarios called "Operation: Rapidstrike". Very James Bond-ish. Did anyone play the paper/pencil RPG "Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes?" -Dustin |