Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Recruit Chat => Topic started by: GaryBavarski on December 03, 2005, 07:44:04 am

Title: OOIS etc.
Post by: GaryBavarski on December 03, 2005, 07:44:04 am

I'm the guy who inhereted the code from the original author. We've worked together at game companies in the past and still keep in touch to party whenever we're in the same town.

OOIS was (is?) a complete rewrite of the Overkill code. I was porting to by hand into a sort of C/C++ "script" language thingy. (Yes, that's really the best description of it. The script gets turned into C++ and fully compiles though.)

Since I'm having problems finding a good solid host for the Windows BBS it might get some more attention pretty soon. It's been a bigger pain than I anticipated and after porting the original code to 32-bit ended up being so easy I kind of got sick of it.

In any case the whole thing seems to have fallen apart during my move. I'll try and remedy that this weekend and see if I can't get the win32 version of OOII working on the BBS as well.

(If that doesn't fix the lag then I'm afraid it IS network problems!)

No way, that's awesome. :) So, OOIS is seperate from the 32-bit port? Or are they one in the same? Anyway if you get time this weekend that would be sweet to check it out - it will be usable with OOTERM right? Or will I need a different version of ooterm to play the win32 ver?

Lookin forward to it, and loving the nostalgia factor. :)

Edit: Oh and by the way, good luck with the move. Moving suckssssss.

Title: Re: OOIS etc.
Post by: Tarix on December 03, 2005, 07:52:41 am
Quote from: "GaryBavarski"

No way, that's awesome. :) So, OOIS is seperate from the 32-bit port? Or are they one in the same? Anyway if you get time this weekend that would be sweet to check it out - it will be usable with OOTERM right? Or will I need a different version of ooterm to play the win32 ver?

It is entirely seperate.  There are officially three versions of OOII now.  The 16-bit DOS version, a 32-bit Windows version, and a 32-bit Linux version.  The Linux version is nowhere near ready for prime-time, but the basic game does *sort of* work.

OOIS is a different beast and had/has hopes and dreams of being multiplayer.  (It's got a really bad chat system that does work and it does allow players to play simultaneously in the same world.)  It currently runs on win32 and linux.  (I've also run it on Sun and SGI hardware just because I could, heh.)


Lookin forward to it, and loving the nostalgia factor. :)

Edit: Oh and by the way, good luck with the move. Moving suckssssss.

Nostalgia good.  Moving bad.  Agreed!

Title: Re: OOIS etc.
Post by: Tarix on December 03, 2005, 08:00:08 am
Quote from: "GaryBavarski"

No way, that's awesome. :) So, OOIS is seperate from the 32-bit port? Or are they one in the same? Anyway if you get time this weekend that would be sweet to check it out - it will be usable with OOTERM right? Or will I need a different version of ooterm to play the win32 ver?

Forgot to most important parts.  Its up again.  Use the OOTERM available here and telnet to nin.tarix.net.

Title: OOIS etc.
Post by: GaryBavarski on December 03, 2005, 09:34:51 am
Wowwww, that is so badass.

I entered a couple bugs. :D This rocks.

Title: OOIS etc.
Post by: mindphaser on December 08, 2005, 12:17:48 am
Quote from: "GaryBavarski"
Wowwww, that is so badass.

I entered a couple bugs. :D This rocks.

You can say that again!  My bugs are being acknowleged!   8O  Is it possible we might see some bug fixes + new features for OOIS??:?:

Title: OOIS etc.
Post by: Tarix on December 08, 2005, 04:23:30 am
Quote from: "mindphaser"

You can say that again!  My bugs are being acknowleged!   8O  Is it possible we might see some bug fixes + new features for OOIS??:?:

Hah!  You of all people know I always get motivated to work the more active the forums are. ;)

Unfortunately I'm putting most of my effort into finishing up the 1.30 changes, testing the Win32 port, and working towards the Linux port.  Keeping pascal code running is kind of a bitch because the libraries aren't that standard.  :evil:  Porting it to Virtual Pascal and Free Pascal is uncovering a few ancient bugs though.

With all that said the future is a bit fuzzy right now.  If you know anyone in the hosting buisness that does Windows dedicated servers send them my way!

Title: OOIS etc.
Post by: GaryBavarski on December 08, 2005, 05:25:04 am
Cool. Good luck and keep us posted. :)

I only know of linux peeps unfortunately. :(

Title: OOIS etc.
Post by: mindphaser on December 10, 2005, 01:03:17 am
Quote from: "Tarix"
Unfortunately I'm putting most of my effort into finishing up the 1.30 changes, testing the Win32 port, and working towards the Linux port.

Do you have a change list / what's new for 1.30?  Or were you referring to the Win32 port?  

Quote from: "Tarix"
Keeping pascal code running is kind of a bitch because the libraries aren't that standard.  :evil:  Porting it to Virtual Pascal and Free Pascal is uncovering a few ancient bugs though.

Mmm I like the idea of coding on OOIS better :D