Title: Hydrite Heads Post by: Loser on January 28, 2006, 04:04:25 pm What about making it so after you kill Hydrits that you can cut off their head and put it on the end of a stick, put the stick in the ground with the head at the top.. so that all who pass that way can get a quick message or something of the type that a hydrite head is their for all to see.. Just a thought..
Loser Title: Re: Hydrite Heads Post by: mindphaser on February 03, 2006, 02:54:41 am It'd be nice if we could write "Hydrites Suck" on the side of the base too, so if they happen to walk by they'll know we don't like them!
Title: Hydrite Heads Post by: spatula on February 12, 2006, 03:56:17 pm Or if we could simply leave graffiti type messages on any players bases, to let them know whatever.
Title: Hydrite Heads Post by: Tarix on February 13, 2006, 04:48:15 am Quote from: "spatula" Or if we could simply leave graffiti type messages on any players bases, to let them know whatever. Oooh, I think this has to be done! Maybe I should force you guys to upload ANSI art so you can get creative. :) |