Title: Game still up? Post by: VACANTSTARE on July 16, 2006, 09:03:28 am I just started playing overkill yesterday ( no, I did not kill or loot another recruit) but given the last message and teh fact I can't get on the BBS, is the game down for revisons?
Title: Game Reset (Attn: Michael) Post by: Dustin on July 22, 2006, 08:04:21 am Game A, beginners:
********* (7/20/06 16:42) Overkill has been defeated by PUD! ************************************************************* Please report the the HQ B)riefing Room for debriefing. <Cr>: Title: Game still up? Post by: Tarix on July 30, 2006, 11:51:59 pm In theory the BBS should never be down.
Unfortunatly a reboot does not bring the BBS back up. The overkill user has to be logged on to make the BBS run and Windows doesn't allow that to be an automated process. That's the most likely cause for extended downtime. If you catch it down more than a couple of hours that Feedback button on the left goes straight to me. Feel free to use it. |