Title: Death from Starvation??? Post by: Brandon on September 18, 2006, 02:30:32 am Years ago when I played OOII it seems like I remember the levels of hunger going up until it would blink STARVING at which point your hp would continually decrease until you got something to eat. However when I was playing earlier I just flat out died from starvation with full HP. It's sad because I actually had food, I just didn't realize I HAD to eat yet.
Am I remembering wrong or did this change? Title: Death from Starvation??? Post by: Dwarf_in_hideing on September 18, 2006, 09:12:46 am You are remembering correctly. As your hunger level increases the text that indicates hunger turns Red. At starveing it blinks Red and takes away one hp each step you take till either you die.. or eat something. However since that text warning is in the upper right hand of the screen, theres been a time or two I've missed seeing that I was that hungrey till it starts blinking :)
DF PS. If this in in a game on OOII Headquarters.. bug report it please. Title: Can't report bug Post by: Brandon on September 18, 2006, 11:41:14 am I would report it as a bug except that the bug report forum seems to be locked...
Title: Death from Starvation??? Post by: Tarix on January 08, 2007, 12:56:46 am The MOTD in Overkill and the bug report forum gives the bug address:
http://bugs.operationoverkill.com/ |