Title: Help with text... Post by: Brandon on September 18, 2006, 12:11:51 pm When I'm on the bbs sometimes text will appear for me to read and then the screen will get cleared long before I get a chance to read it. In the old days I knew a shortcut in Telix that would let me scroll back to read what I missed. I'm using the default program that pops up when I click the telnet link on the website now and I have no idea how to go back and read what I'm missing.
Any suggestions? Title: Help with text... Post by: Lucky_Dragon on September 24, 2006, 10:01:27 pm If you're using the vanilla windows Telnet client, then there should be a scroll bar at the right side fo the window. You can usually use this to go back a ways and look at text that has scrolled off the screen... Although I'm not really sure if text that has been erased by an ANSI "clear screen" command will be saved in the scrollback buffer. I use Procomm Plus for my OO][ sessions, and it has an excellent scrollback buffer. Other programs like ZapoComm or Radient's CommNet also have decent scrollback buffers. Of course, if you're using the OOTerm, I believe you're out of luck, as it has no scrollback buffer.