Title: oxbow map level 1 doesn't match the ascii map Post by: dgbehrends on June 03, 2007, 02:31:08 pm Hello,
I'm playing in the novice game of telnet://bbs.operationoverkill.com and have the oxbow map printed out however when I go to any of the several locations for the down arrow that would lead to level 2 it isn't there? Help is appreciated. Thanks. Title: oxbow map level 1 doesn't match the ascii map Post by: dgbehrends on June 04, 2007, 02:59:03 am I read in the log file for the novice game that someone blew them up. I didn't remember that this was possible, and its ashame that it is allowed in a novice game. This same person then posted some free bases for people to use. This is nice but why not just reset the game instead of make it frustrating for newbies trying to follow the maps.
Title: oxbow map level 1 doesn't match the ascii map Post by: Mercury on June 14, 2007, 12:11:33 am floppy disks run the missle silos, misslo silos blow things up, sometimes including holes. it is part of the game regardless of the level. the map can be reset when overkill is killed.