Title: Dual AFB's on level 5 Post by: dgbehrends on June 26, 2007, 05:30:36 am In reviewing maps for the upcoming Journeyman Game reset, I noticed that the qibwaai map has 2 AFB bases on the 5th level. One of them is extremely difficult to get to and get out of. My question is, are they identical on the inside? Meaning there would be 2 accessable WRR on the 5th level.
Title: Dual AFB's on level 5 Post by: Mercury on June 26, 2007, 01:11:27 pm yes, and not only are they the exact same, but if you (player one) and me (player two) go in different AFB's, we are still in the same one - so if you are camping in one, I can find you by going in the other.
Title: Dual AFB's on level 5 Post by: dgbehrends on June 26, 2007, 01:51:28 pm Very interesting, thanks for the info.