Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: dgbehrends on June 28, 2007, 01:42:04 pm I was under the impression that the Missile launching effectiveness went something like this
75% Boom 20% Dud 5% Blowyerself up! This can't be right. I am currently at 2 for 10 in the Journeyman game. Is the ratio 75% Dud 20% Boom 5% Blowyerself up! Is there any percentage relation to how close you try to land a missile to an indestructible object (complex, missile silo, AFB, Hydrite prison) assuming you don't put any part of the blast radius on it? Does the cyclone count? Meaning if I launch a missile while the cyclone is in the blast radius will the missile always be a dud? You can launch missiles on the boundaries of the map but they won't replace the rock along the boundary. In the FAQ it says that if an indestructible object is in "view" then the missile will be a dud. Does this mean that if the indestructible object is in the satellite up link view of the location your missile will land then it will always be a dud? Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: Mercury on June 28, 2007, 03:53:08 pm there are 35 tiles that are in the scan zone - try launching missles without those locations (prison, complex, silo, afb) within the total 35. Are you trying to drop one close to those but just not right on top? dont get fancy and try to finesse a bomb "two tiles away but still in the scan zone".
personally, i think you've just experiences some bad luck but if you want to share the ten sectors you've launched at, i can't really explain it. don't discount the unreliability of those original percentages either. PS> I know a cheat where you can use the same missle code over and over - hopefully it willl be over writen soon but in the mean time you can do some testing. The cheat? after launching (whether a hit or miss), go pick up the last item in some base. log back in and launch again using the same code. the ground writes the new damage but the code doesn't change after you get dropped. try it - its a major bug (the same bug as the crystal bug, actually). Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: dgbehrends on June 28, 2007, 09:35:01 pm Ok thanks I will try to do some testing tonight. Yes I was trying to land a missile with the corner of the blast radius being an afb. Technically it should have worked since the corner of the blast radius does not destroy the terrain. I think the cyclone counts as an indestructible object but I will test this out some. Another tip for missile silo hacking is if you get up to 18 tries with the floppy simply log out and log back in and your number of tries will get reset. I like your tip better :) You can see many of my missile locations in the Journeyman frontier log. The cyclone was in the blast radius for several of my launches on level 2.
Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: Mercury on June 28, 2007, 11:38:31 pm i think your problem is your launching near the afb. i am not surprised with your lack of success at this point.
Title: Re: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: Dustin on June 28, 2007, 11:46:55 pm Quote from: "dgbehrends" I was under the impression that the Missile launching effectiveness went something like this 75% Boom 20% Dud 5% Blowyerself up! I think the percentages are closer to: 50% success 45% dud (plus factors of launching too close to important structures) 5% premature Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: dgbehrends on June 29, 2007, 02:19:27 pm I did some more testing and I was able to blow up the other missile silo on level 1. I wasn't able to get a missile to blow up when there was an AFB in the satelite uplink view. The ratio of dud to boom seemed about 50/50. I was also able to land a missile right next to the nukem (poor little guy).
Didn't test launching a missile on a cyclone but I don't see why it wouldn't explode and I doubt it would do anything to the cyclone. Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: Mercury on June 29, 2007, 09:37:22 pm poor little guy??? probably made him stronger. five bucks says he is still there.
Title: Missile Dud to Boom ratio Post by: dgbehrends on June 29, 2007, 11:28:20 pm Yes he was still there. I made sure to do an satelite uplink scan of the area right afterwards.