Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Bugs and Annoyances => Topic started by: dgbehrends on July 30, 2007, 11:40:43 pm

Title: Checking the Frontier Log from the complex got me booted
Post by: dgbehrends on July 30, 2007, 11:40:43 pm
Here is what I did to make this happen.  I telegrasped to the complex went in, went to communications, and then checked the frontier log and poof.  I tried to recreate this but I didn't do it exactly the same, I went to headquarters first and then communications and didn't get booted when viewing the frontier log.  I'll try again and see if I can reproduce by going right to the frontier log.

Title: Checking the Frontier Log from the complex got me booted
Post by: dgbehrends on July 30, 2007, 11:44:13 pm
I was not able to reproduce it :(  hmmmmmmmmm.

Title: Checking the Frontier Log from the complex got me booted
Post by: Mercury on August 01, 2007, 01:39:57 am
sometimes you just get booted.  i noticed this happens sometimes when other players log into the other two games (i suspect).  or, carrier just drops sometimes.  it was probably a coincidence that you were checking the frontier log at that time and not actually attributed to that function.

Title: Checking the Frontier Log from the complex got me booted
Post by: Mercury on August 01, 2007, 04:54:00 am
it appears the game was just reset.  perhaps you got the boot because the frontier log didn't exist at the time of the first log-in.

Title: Checking the Frontier Log from the complex got me booted
Post by: dgbehrends on August 01, 2007, 01:21:49 pm
I had the boot occur on the last day before the reset when there was still a Frontier log to view.  The problem may be related to that but I tried to reproduce it and didn't have any luck.  I think your first explanation is very probable.

Title: Checking the Frontier Log from the complex got me booted
Post by: Tarix on February 04, 2008, 03:59:31 am
Next time something like this happens you should check the Frontier Log from the BBS menu system so we can try and determine what went wrong.