Title: I'm an original OOII ANSI artist. Post by: BecomeDeath on October 12, 2007, 05:25:07 am What a trip it has been to discover OO has such a healthy online fan base!
When I was a wee lad of 12 or 13 I lived in Dallas and played OO and OOII on Dustin Nulf's original BBS. I loved the game so much that I ended up making some ANSI art that I mailed to Dustin and that he subsequently ended up using in the game. Recently, nearly two decades later, I went looking for the game online and found not only that it had survived, but my original art had survived with it! Those who wanna read the details of the story might check out my blog at: http://iamanangelchaser.blogspot.com/2007/10/operation-overkill-blast-from-past-part.html I can't want to start playing on the internet server! Thanks Tarix for providing this resource to those of us who knew and loved the game. Cheers- Sean Title: I'm an original OOII ANSI artist. Post by: Dustin on October 13, 2007, 01:30:36 pm Welcome, Sean!
Not too many soldiers of the Hexonium Force are here to defend the Complex from Hydrites, but the few that are, we're thankful for their service and dedication. Tarix (aka Michael Montague) runs this beautiful service, and he's been a willing servant to the spirit of Overkill. We're all thankful for his persistence and perseverance. Thanks, Tarix! (He works for 0.00001 water crystals an hour). We can make the logon ansi files available if you don't want to search your 5.25" floppies. ;) Blood & glory, Dustin Nulf Title: I'm an original OOII ANSI artist. Post by: dgbehrends on October 19, 2007, 10:42:10 am Welcome to the forums. All 3 games are locked up right now, but I think I remember Tarix saying he might have some time to look at things in December after the holidays. We'll see. Anyways he has done a great job keeping the game alive.
Title: I'm an original OOII ANSI artist. Post by: Tarix on November 13, 2007, 12:50:04 pm I kind of forgot they were all locked up.
I just went ahead and reset them. Let me know when they lock up again and I'll try and find some time to fix that bug. |