Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Recruit Chat => Topic started by: Blue60 on July 27, 2008, 11:26:25 am

Title: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Blue60 on July 27, 2008, 11:26:25 am
I was playing on the Journeyman map and found a abandon base, it asked if I wanted to become the owner, I said yes and when I went to check the storage space there was a ton of weapons and cash..  I am a noob and was just playing on the Journeyman just to play on the map.  But I want to know is, was it wrong to take the base even though the last owner was dead?  there was alot of crystals (over $1,000,000 )

p.s.  yeah I am the type of guy that if he gets to much change from a cashier at the store I give it back... I am such a boy scout.  :-\

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: dgbehrends on July 27, 2008, 04:22:27 pm
That was probably my base and my stuff.

I'm coming after you with everything I've got!!!!

j/k  don't spend all the money in one place. 

p.s.  there are lots more bases with lots more money out there :)

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Blue60 on July 28, 2008, 02:10:07 am
It was on level 1,  I found another base on Level 2 with not as much stuff but now I can Teleport :)  I have never made it further then level 2 before now I have a chance because I don't have to hunt for weapons and armor.  :o

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Tarix on July 29, 2008, 03:59:12 pm
It doesn't really pay to be nice in Overkill. :)

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Willis on July 30, 2008, 03:28:37 am
Whats the bbs telenet address again?

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Blue60 on July 30, 2008, 02:59:29 pm

just look a the post above yours  ;)

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Dustin on August 03, 2008, 10:18:16 am
It doesn't really pay to be nice in Overkill. :)

Tarix... never the team player. ;)

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Blue60 on August 04, 2008, 03:04:19 am
I found a Base on Level 3, I took over the base, I cant pickup the Water Crystals  ???  I can take anything, but the crystals.   any Ideas?

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: DamFrawd on August 04, 2008, 07:35:33 am
If when you try to access a base and it says the base has been abandoned.. That means the player that previously owned it has been a slacker by not logging into the game for a long time. All thier bases are up for grabs and the first to find them get to plunder away. This time frame is set by the sysop and varies from BBS to BBS. I've been waiting for two+ years for one BBS I play on to call a bunch of bases "abandoned"  :)
I personelly like finding an old game of OOII on a BBs and seeing if those that played before were competant or not going by what they left behind. Kinda fun.  If you claim the base. It's yours.  Not being able to pick up the money/crystals is indeed a bug. This is the right place to point it out though.. more or less :)
**an Incarnation of a Mad Dwarf**
P.S.  I've always got fairly far in being nice in the game... at least till I'm pushed to not be nice.. Muhahahaha..

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Tarix on August 04, 2008, 02:25:33 pm
I can take anything, but the crystals.   any Ideas?

The wastelands and base inventories were kept back-to-back in memory.  Unfortunately there is a bit of confusion in the code as to exactly where the Wastelands items stop and the Base items start.  This was fine in the DOS days because there was no memory protection, but now some of the old code crashes.

I'll probably broke it for water crystals or possibly just the water crystals you are trying to pick up!

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: dgbehrends on August 10, 2008, 01:37:53 pm
Not being able to pick up crystals smells of the base boot bug.  Have you tried dropping something in the base so that there is something int he base + the crystals.  Then you might be able to pick up the crystals.  Tarix was working on the base boot bug and I can't recall exactly where it ended up.

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: dgbehrends on August 10, 2008, 01:38:59 pm
If when you try to access a base and it says the base has been abandoned.. That means the player that previously owned it has been a slacker by not logging into the game for a long time.

One more thing,  I'm the slacker! :)

Title: Re: I did something on Journeyman Map and hope I didnot mke someone mad.
Post by: Blue60 on August 11, 2008, 02:51:02 pm
If when you try to access a base and it says the base has been abandoned.. That means the player that previously owned it has been a slacker by not logging into the game for a long time.

One more thing,  I'm the slacker! :)

LOL then thanks for the bases, cash, and all the Idems. 
I tryed what you said about the problem with my Base and I still cant get crystals out..   :(