Title: Overkill Reset at JumpStart BBS soon! Post by: Exciter on August 22, 2008, 05:39:32 pm Congratulations to Dam Frawd for defeating overkill.
http://exciter.ws/news.php?item.17.1 I will be resetting in the next few days with new settings and a new map. Is anyone else good enough to beat overkill before Dam Frawd does? It's worth checking out! Title: Re: Overkill Reset at JumpStart BBS soon! Post by: DamFrawd on August 25, 2008, 04:30:24 am LOL.. nothing like putting a lil pressure on me :)
DF Title: Re: Overkill Reset at JumpStart BBS soon! Post by: Exciter on August 26, 2008, 08:09:11 pm Overkill has been reset at JumpStart BBS
telnet://exciter.ws Join the game like you've got a pair! Title: Re: Overkill Reset at JumpStart BBS soon! Post by: DamFrawd on September 02, 2008, 12:23:39 am Exciter has done it up good on this new re-set. He's created a totally new map to play on as well as editing a few monsters. Want to destroy Obama..? Kill Dave Chappellle.?? Here's your chance.
see ya in the wastelands chummers.. DF Title: Re: Overkill Reset at JumpStart BBS soon! Post by: DamFrawd on November 16, 2009, 07:54:12 am Welp... another old fart at OOII snuck past my guard on Exciters BBS and took out the beeg Leezard. Grats to Mercury for the new pair of lizard boots!
Exciter booted me off the game today (as I was checking in) and re-set the wasteland. Last round was in a totally new mapset. I wonder where we'll be fighting next.... cheerio's folks.. DF |