Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Recruit Chat => Topic started by: Cheshirecat on July 31, 2003, 01:53:35 pm

Title: Hello?
Post by: Cheshirecat on July 31, 2003, 01:53:35 pm
Hello?  Anyone there?  Please let's not let this forum go the way that the other boards.

Title: Hello?
Post by: TermX on August 03, 2003, 04:53:16 pm
hello.  there aren't that many active players atm.  heck, i forgot abot oo for the past 7 months.

i was at work a week ago.  A guy glances at my name tag and says, "hey your name looks familiar".  He then ask, "did you use to use BBS?";  I said, "YEAH.  Who are you?"  

Well, he said he remember my name from 10 years ago when we use to logon to BBS. wow

anyways, I am TermX.  I just play OO for fun.  I try to help test oo whenever there is a new build.  

I think we can recruit more people as soon as the OOIS is ready.  Right now, I don't think people use bbs much so OOIS will be cool.  I know OO is just a hobby for us.


Title: Hello?
Post by: Cheshirecat on August 04, 2003, 07:05:28 am
First, I want to thank you for the great maps you had on the now defunct community.  I, too, play OOII just for fun.  However, when I'm feeling stressed with students (I'm a school librarian in real life), I find it extremely relaxing to go zap monsters.   :D
Even with the inconveniences of logging onto the game through a telnet BBS system, I still find it enjoyable.  Still a great game.

Title: Hello?
Post by: PrinceConrad on October 14, 2003, 11:25:44 am

Hello...   My name is Prince Conrad.  And I'm an Overkill junkie.  Although I haven't played it much since my BBS days in high school, I have recently discovered telnet and have relaunched my love for the (now simplistic but still utterly brilliant) game of Overkill.

I look forward to getting to know other OOII junkies (and Dragonstar, if you're still out there, it's me, your old teammate The Mighty Thor)....
