Title: new mapset Post by: Dwarf_in_hideing on January 22, 2015, 08:44:08 am I am always on the lookout for a new mapset to play on. Ever since memphistw bbs went off the grid (he had an original mapset that I never did get totally mapped) I've been poking around the usuall suspects. Vidland.. Blitze..Malkrie..Stealth.. HighPass.. etc. I recently logged into DigitalDistortionBbs.com to find that Humoungus had taken out OK a bit back and dropped the sysop a note about a game reset. He surprised me with a mapset that I have yet to play on. Abyss. This ought to be interesting.. DF **an incarnation of that Danned Dwarf..** Title: Re: new mapset Post by: Dustin on February 07, 2015, 02:28:56 pm Cool website! I like the telnet window right there on the main screen. See you there, Dam.
Title: Re: new mapset Post by: Dustin on February 12, 2015, 11:50:29 am I am always on the lookout for a new mapset to play on. Ever since memphistw bbs went off the grid (he had an original mapset that I never did get totally mapped) I've been poking around the usuall suspects. Vidland.. Blitze..Malkrie..Stealth.. HighPass.. etc. I recently logged into DigitalDistortionBbs.com to find that Humoungus had taken out OK a bit back and dropped the sysop a note about a game reset. He surprised me with a mapset that I have yet to play on. Abyss. This ought to be interesting.. DF **an incarnation of that Danned Dwarf..** (http://www.takethatyoufiend.com/help/abyss.png) Title: Re: new mapset Post by: Dwarf_in_hideing on February 23, 2015, 02:56:32 pm nawww.. its not the worst mapset I've played on. There are worse. Its going to be a challenge though. Once I can get some floppy disc's.. I'll blow up some walls :)
DF |