Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Bugs and Annoyances => Topic started by: skatter on November 01, 2003, 03:13:31 pm

Title: deposit all..?
Post by: skatter on November 01, 2003, 03:13:31 pm
Is there a way to "deposit all" in the bank?  Or maybe a key that is equivalent to all?  Some games use the ">" key to mean the highest amount possible.

Title: Re: deposit all..?
Post by: Tarix on November 06, 2003, 04:58:59 am
Quote from: "skatter"
Is there a way to "deposit all" in the bank?  Or maybe a key that is equivalent to all?  Some games use the ">" key to mean the highest amount possible.

There actually used to be a deposit all once upon a time.  The reason it was taken out is because it's a really bad idea.  You should always keep a small amount of crystals on you so that you can barter for your life.

Maybe we need a deposit most option. :)

Title: deposit all..?
Post by: skatter on November 06, 2003, 07:39:25 am
Well, I've played other games that implement a hotkey that is equivalent to 'as much as possible.'  Basically when you get an option for "how much: " you can hit > and it will insert the largest # possible.  If you have 3000 crystals and are at the deposit screen ">" will insert the value 3000 in the deposit how much field.

Title: deposit all..?
Post by: Tarix on November 06, 2003, 09:18:48 am
Quote from: "skatter"
Well, I've played other games that implement a hotkey that is equivalent to 'as much as possible.'  Basically when you get an option for "how much: " you can hit > and it will insert the largest # possible.  If you have 3000 crystals and are at the deposit screen ">" will insert the value 3000 in the deposit how much field.

I understand, but in Overkill that would be a red herring for new players.  As a seasoned player you should never be depositing 100% of your cash on hand in the bank because you should always carry some in case you get into a situation where its life or death.

Having 0 crystals on you is almost certain death when you are fighting a monster and try to surrender.