Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Recruit Chat => Topic started by: JohnnyBoy on January 24, 2004, 08:23:28 am

Title: Finally, a refuge.
Post by: JohnnyBoy on January 24, 2004, 08:23:28 am
*Shakes the blood off his hands, and wipes his feet outside the door*

Ah, I love the smell of a freshly mopped Complex facility.  I see that the recruits are gathering again, and I must have made it just in time.  Let me extend a hand and introduce myself as Johnny Boy.  You can call me... well, Johnny Boy.


Title: Finally, a refuge.
Post by: Dustin on January 25, 2004, 07:09:56 am
Welcome, Johnny Boy!  Watch the floor... a bit slippery, and don't muck up my shine job.  :lol:

Where did you play Overkill, back in the day, and do you still play on the surviving telnet BBSes?

(What in the heck is plural for BBS... never did sort that one out with my Speak-n'-Spell).


Title: Reply
Post by: JohnnyBoy on January 28, 2004, 01:18:28 am
I played in NC.  I don't remember my first BBS, but I believe the one I played most of was called The Cave in Wake Forest NC.  My handle for OOII was, of course Johnny Boy, and I think I must have ripped off Hawk when I was younger, because I always sign as:

--==<<<JOHNNY BOY>>>==-

...hehe.  Well, anyway, I am playing on BlackThursday right now, it's the only place I can find on Telnet with a connection stable enough to play the action combat properly.  They're a little TOO slow for my liking (if any player were to attack you they'd slaughter you, even with high dex), but at least it's playable.

<See sig above :) >