Operation: Overkill World HQ

Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game => Bugs and Annoyances => Topic started by: mindphaser on January 31, 2004, 02:24:31 pm

Title: Bravery...
Post by: mindphaser on January 31, 2004, 02:24:31 pm
So I've noticed that when you first encounter a monster you have an option of Long-range combat, Hand-to-hand combat, or Running from combat.  If you Run, it doesn't affect your Bravery.  Whereas if you're in combat and you run it does.  

You'd think that you'd lose more bravery % points just by running @ first site, then by standing and fighting & figuring out you're going to die and then running...  ;-)

Just seems like a bug to me, however I think we should leave it!  This way I can try to find a monster who can tell me where the oracle is without it affecting my Bravery (because I run from all the Beasts and engage only Humanoids).


Title: Re: Bravery
Post by: offset on March 13, 2004, 11:07:25 am
Another reason I'd like to have the Bravery not decrease on first encounter (where you run away) is so that when I'm running back and forth between the base and lower levels selling items, I don't want to be bothered with monsters where I have a greater chance of getting killed (sometimes I'm carrying nothing leaving room for items to sell), when my plan (at least for portions of gameplay) is to simply run around selling items without fighting.

Title: Re: Bravery
Post by: Tarix on March 16, 2004, 04:04:18 am
Quote from: "offset"
Another reason I'd like to have the Bravery not decrease on first encounter (where you run away)

It doesn't.  It's designed this way for this purpose and for high level characters traveling in low level regions.

Quote from: "mindphaser"

You'd think that you'd lose more bravery % points just by running @ first site, then by standing and fighting & figuring out you're going to die and then running...

The first sighting gives you an option of assessing the situation.  If you decide that you are low on health, unprepared for the fight, or the fight takes more resources than it's worth you can get out while you are ahead.

It would really mess up the statistic to have every encounter count against you.  Especially since at high levels you don't have the time to play with monsters when you are trying to get from place to place.

Title: Re: Bravery
Post by: mindphaser on March 26, 2004, 03:18:49 am
Quote from: "Tarix"
It would really mess up the statistic to have every encounter count against you.  Especially since at high levels you don't have the time to play with monsters when you are trying to get from place to place.

Isn't that what teleporters & telegrasps are for?! :)