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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Bugs and Annoyances / Graphics bugs on: October 19, 2005, 02:50:21 am
The normal screen while walking the wastelands seems to be messed up.  The on screen data seems to be divided into two categories.  Static data does not change, and includes things like the border around the IR scan, the Condition:, HP:, and Camp [] labels.  Dynamic data is the stuff that changes, including the landscape in the IR scan, your number of hit points, and the check marks in the Item/Camp[] boxes.  

When I telnet in from windows, all of the dynamic data shows up shifted one row down from where it should.  For instance, when standing on an item, the check mark shows up in the camp[ ] box instead.  

When I telnet in from linux, all of the static data is on the bottom half of the screen.  For instance, the landscape shows up where it should, but the border around the IR scan is several rows below.  

In both cases I am, of course, in 25 line 80 column terminals.  

Does anyone else experience this?
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