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Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / Missile Dud to Boom ratio
on: June 28, 2007, 03:53:08 pm
there are 35 tiles that are in the scan zone - try launching missles without those locations (prison, complex, silo, afb) within the total 35. Are you trying to drop one close to those but just not right on top? dont get fancy and try to finesse a bomb "two tiles away but still in the scan zone".
personally, i think you've just experiences some bad luck but if you want to share the ten sectors you've launched at, i can't really explain it.
don't discount the unreliability of those original percentages either.
PS> I know a cheat where you can use the same missle code over and over - hopefully it willl be over writen soon but in the mean time you can do some testing. The cheat? after launching (whether a hit or miss), go pick up the last item in some base. log back in and launch again using the same code. the ground writes the new damage but the code doesn't change after you get dropped. try it - its a major bug (the same bug as the crystal bug, actually).