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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / internet lag or what? on: November 12, 2003, 04:45:17 pm
I have the same problem.  And I've got a superfast Cable-modem connection, so I'm not sure what is wrong.  

My suggestion - just build up the dexterity and leave it on Computer-based combat...
2  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / item storage..? on: November 08, 2003, 08:56:33 am
Well, if you're still fighting level one monsters, you don't need to be worrying about building bases yet (not that you would have enough crystals anyway).
Eventually, I think i's good to have at least one base per level (two, if you've got the money to blow).  But as of right now, you should be more focused on gathering human skulls, weapons, and armor from the creatures you kill and selling them in the HQ for extra crystals.

Really the best way to learn this game is to play on a team with somebody experienced.  I suggest going to Tarix's telnet site (tarix.overkill.net) and joining my team in the Novice game there.  From there I can give you hints and access to my bases and better weapons.
I'll go ahead and email you the team passcode in the game...
3  Overkill Website / Suggestions and Complaints / very sluggish.. on: November 08, 2003, 08:43:08 am
Well, this isn't exactly a bandwidth intensive webiste. The main concern is the CPU load on the host serving the content, and if that system is bogged down it doesn't matter how much bandwidth you have at your disposal.

Well, that shows you how much I know about web programming.  At any rate, it's good to hear that it'll be speeding up.
4  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / Hemp Rope on: November 06, 2003, 08:53:35 am
A hemp rope gives you access to lower levels.  When you find this symbol on a map "@v" it signifies a hole down.  USe the hemp rope and you can go to lower levels to fight stronger creatures (who reward you with more crystals, exp, and better weapons/armor/items)...
5  Overkill Website / Suggestions and Complaints / Me too on: November 04, 2003, 12:30:31 pm
It's not just you, Scatter.  I'm getting sluggish responses as well...

But I'm just so thrilled to have an offical Overkill site, that I'm willing to overlook it while the site's still small.  Nevertheless, perhaps some extra bandwidth would help...  :?:
6  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / item storage..? on: November 04, 2003, 12:26:49 pm
Storing items for resale is an essential strategy of OOII in my opinion.  However, you must first save up enough money in order to build a base.  Each base will be able to store up to 100 items (I believe -- somebody correct me if I'm wrong).

Until you save up enough money for a base (a secure, well-defended base will cost you in the area of 250,000 crystals), I suggest grabbing a hemp rope, aerial scan, medkits, & rations and doing some multi-level scavenging.  It may take awhile but is rewarding in the long run...
7  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Bugs and Annoyances / Only one problem... on: November 01, 2003, 02:11:59 pm
I've got most of my map finished.  The only problem is that I don't have a working map editor (it's just a text file on Notepad right now).  Is there a place that I could download a map editor that would work on XP?
8  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Bugs and Annoyances / I agree... on: October 17, 2003, 11:38:44 pm
I think that's a great idea.  Especially the map part.

BTW, do you accept user-made maps?  I've been working on one particularly "nasty" one...   :twisted:
9  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Hello? on: October 14, 2003, 11:25:44 am

Hello...   My name is Prince Conrad.  And I'm an Overkill junkie.  Although I haven't played it much since my BBS days in high school, I have recently discovered telnet and have relaunched my love for the (now simplistic but still utterly brilliant) game of Overkill.

I look forward to getting to know other OOII junkies (and Dragonstar, if you're still out there, it's me, your old teammate The Mighty Thor)....

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