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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Anyone interested? on: September 20, 2006, 01:18:18 pm
I'm having fun with this game just because I always wanted to beat it when I was younger but really wasn't smart enough Smiley  Now I think I can do it and I'm having fun working towards that goal, but there is one thing missing.  It just isn't quite the same as it used to be when there were so many more active players.

I noticed a while back someone mentioned that they entered one of the games but decided not to continue playing because there weren't enough players.  So... I'm curious how many times that's happened where a potential player would have played, but lost their interest for this reason.

I have a solution to get more people involved and I'm wondering who would be interested in doing this...

1) Any time we see that a new recruit has joined a game were in we should send them a message that at the very least welcomes them.  That way they feel like they're playing with real players and won't leave so quickly.

2) We need to get everyones email who is really interested in playing the game.  Then each time a game starts over we should shoot them an email to let them know so they'll come back and play.  If we could email all the people who have come through here reminding them about the game I bet we could get back some players who have forgotten about it.

To accomplish the 2nd point would either require tarix's help (since he's at least got emails of people who join this forum.  I don't remember if you have to give your email to join the bbs, but if not then you should...).  However, I've tried to leave a couple messages for the sysop in the bbs and tried to leave a message on this website and haven't gotten any kind of reply.  Does any one know if tarix has been actively involved with this thing lately?

If anyone else has any ideas feel free to add them here...
2  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Help with text... on: September 18, 2006, 12:11:51 pm
When I'm on the bbs sometimes text will appear for me to read and then the screen will get cleared long before I get a chance to read it.  In the old days I knew a shortcut in Telix that would let me scroll back to read what I missed.  I'm using the default program that pops up when I click the telnet link on the website now and I have no idea how to go back and read what I'm missing.

Any suggestions?
3  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Can't report bug on: September 18, 2006, 11:41:14 am
I would report it as a bug except that the bug report forum seems to be locked...
4  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Death from Starvation??? on: September 18, 2006, 02:30:32 am
Years ago when I played OOII it seems like I remember the levels of hunger going up until it would blink STARVING at which point your hp would continually decrease until you got something to eat.  However when I was playing earlier I just flat out died from starvation with full HP.  It's sad because I actually had food, I just didn't realize I HAD to eat yet.

Am I remembering wrong or did this change?
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