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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: telnet://bbs.memphistw.org on: December 31, 2008, 01:07:28 am
Powercrazy did no Oracle monster hunting in the week prior to all of this.  You are being paranoid.

There was fair warning that things would get ugly for people, and we allowed several days off for people to "prepare" for it.

Nevertheless, I am very impressed by your tenacity and resolve in that, even with as difficult as we have made the game for everybody, it hasn't really seemed to set you back much at all.  You clearly have a mastery of it.  You may even know more of the tricks than I do.

I actually participated in a tournament a long time ago on the OOII World HQ BBS.  It was us Dallasites/Texans against a team from Oklahoma.  I forget the map we played on.  But it was a lot of fun.  Too bad that "golden age" of Overkill is over.

And for the record, I let Powercrazy do most of the killing because that's fun and I want to keep him entertained.  Also, his biblical quotes and compost songs are hilarious.  We really are deriving a lot of schadenfreude from all of this.
2  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: telnet://bbs.memphistw.org on: December 26, 2008, 01:26:59 pm
Powercrazy really IS my real life friend, and we planned doing this together.  I'm not really a dickhead when I play, I'm just playing a certain 'role' right now because it's fun being the bad guy.  My intention is really just to get people riled up and play more, because I genuinely enjoy playing Overkill with other people.  I'm just giving them a reason to want to play and make me pay for all of my transgressions Wink

Lots of respect for you as a player.  Hope to see you again soon in the Wasteland, and I'll be waiting for you to give me a death or two. 

Also, I know Vidland is the easiest map.  I wish the map was more challenging, but I also wanted an active game, and this BBS is the most active one I've found.  Hopefully with the reset will come a new map.
3  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: telnet://bbs.memphistw.org on: December 13, 2008, 06:38:36 am
The OOII game on this board has recently reset.  I plan to play it seriously in a week.  I would encourage anyone interested to make a character and play with me so we can get some real competition going.  Otherwise, I'm just going to roll over all of the scrubs in that game.
4  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: telnet://bbs.memphistw.org on: November 08, 2008, 01:08:36 pm
All in time.  I'm kind of enjoying being omnipotent.
5  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: telnet://bbs.memphistw.org on: November 07, 2008, 01:01:26 pm
Is anyone playing this game still?  I made my character on there a few days ago and am looking forward to playing with some other people.
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