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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: Overkill MUD! on: May 24, 2004, 10:17:00 am
Quote from: "Tarix"
Quote from: "JohnnyBoy"
Well, it won't let me vote, I get the error "No Post Mode Specified" or something, but my vote is: Someone make an Operation Overkill MUD!  It would be so cool to play Overkill multiplayer.  Yeah, some design changes like creature difficulty would be in order, but overall, I think it would be worth the effort.  There are a host of other things you could add to it being a MUD and all, but I won't bore anyone with ideas unless it was something possible.

We already have multiplayer Overkill.  But no one ever plays.

Wow, there is indeed life at the end of the tunnel.  8O

Heh. Well it's been a long time since I started my little self-appointed mission to try and 'reinvent' OOII, and while the exact nature of my mission has changed (more on that in a moment) I have not given up!

Some time ago I had some very useful discussions with Tarix and came to the conclusion that as an independant it would be best for me not to try and make an Operation: Overkill MUD. First off, Tarix is essentially allready planning on doing just that. Secondly, I had wanted to implement a whole host of nifty ideas which might have ruined the 'spirit' of OOII.

So what am I doing these days you ask? Well I am no longer on a mission to create Operation: Overkill MUD, or Overkill III. Now I am working on a project to create a MU* game *inspired* by OOII, but not directly related.
In this way I can freely implement all those nifty ideas I had without spoiling the flavor of Overkill. I have my own storyline which is similar to Overkill, but still unique enough that it might attract new blood as well.

Well folks, this is where you come in. If any of you are interested in taking a peek at what I'm up to, or even just asking questions, now's your chance.
Drop me an email at TraceFox@hotmail.com sometime and lemme know you're interested in the 'Lost Wastelands MUCK'!

PS: Lost Wastelands is a working title, it might change.  Smiley
2  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Talk about Old School! on: December 10, 2003, 01:47:52 pm
I had thought that the Overkill community was still alive and well, but seems I might have been wrong.
Admittedly I will be seen by many as a newcomer or an outsider, but I would have thought I would get at least *one* reply to my post here...

33 views and not one single reply. I find that somehow sad.

Guess OOII is dead after all...
3  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Talk about Old School! on: November 30, 2003, 05:23:56 pm
It is so gratifying to see that OOII is still well and alive even today.
I remember being part of the new author's attempt to ressurect and 'modernize' this old BBS Doorgame, I even had a suggestion to try converting it into a MUD-style telnet server. Course, that didn't get to far. Heh.

I'm curious to find out if there are any of those multiplayer and OOII V2 plans still ongoing? Or is new development and new versions pretty much stale nowadays?

Personally, I would love to see the OOII legacy evolve into another stage (OOIII anyone?), but don't even know who's the current author anymore.

Well anyways, enough rambling, now I gotta find out where and how I can get back into OOII!

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