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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Overkill MUD! on: January 28, 2004, 01:21:48 am
Well, it won't let me vote, I get the error "No Post Mode Specified" or something, but my vote is: Someone make an Operation Overkill MUD!  It would be so cool to play Overkill multiplayer.  Yeah, some design changes like creature difficulty would be in order, but overall, I think it would be worth the effort.  There are a host of other things you could add to it being a MUD and all, but I won't bore anyone with ideas unless it was something possible.

Long live OO,

-==<<<JOHNNY BOY>>>==-
2  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Reply on: January 28, 2004, 01:18:28 am
I played in NC.  I don't remember my first BBS, but I believe the one I played most of was called The Cave in Wake Forest NC.  My handle for OOII was, of course Johnny Boy, and I think I must have ripped off Hawk when I was younger, because I always sign as:

--==<<<JOHNNY BOY>>>==-

...hehe.  Well, anyway, I am playing on BlackThursday right now, it's the only place I can find on Telnet with a connection stable enough to play the action combat properly.  They're a little TOO slow for my liking (if any player were to attack you they'd slaughter you, even with high dex), but at least it's playable.

<See sig above Smiley >
3  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Finally, a refuge. on: January 24, 2004, 08:23:28 am
*Shakes the blood off his hands, and wipes his feet outside the door*

Ah, I love the smell of a freshly mopped Complex facility.  I see that the recruits are gathering again, and I must have made it just in time.  Let me extend a hand and introduce myself as Johnny Boy.  You can call me... well, Johnny Boy.

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