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Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: Wiki...kill?
on: May 27, 2015, 11:14:57 pm
Speaking of Wikipedia, this site could use an official players guide for the game! I know several guides have been posted around (courtesy of Teucer, Hawk, Suprax, Kallahar), but nothing uber-official. Most of the discovery of the game has been revealed, so any spoilers and secrets would be minimal. If anything, it'd be curious reading to those who used to play (or still play today). I'll see what I can fashion up on here, if it's doable with this software.
Stumbled onto this site. Could be a good template:
Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Wiki...kill?
on: May 27, 2015, 11:11:22 pm
Speaking of Wikipedia, this site could use an official players guide for the game! I know several guides have been posted around (courtesy of Teucer, Hawk, Suprax, Kallahar), but nothing uber-official. Most of the discovery of the game has been revealed, so any spoilers and secrets would be minimal. If anything, it'd be curious reading to those who used to play (or still play today). I'll see what I can fashion up on here, if it's doable with this software.
Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Wikipedia
on: May 27, 2015, 11:06:01 am
Do we have any Wikipedia gurus out there?
I think it'd be supercool to have an entry for Overkill on the Wiki, as a historical stamp of existence. I often read about other contemporary door games (LORD (Legend of the Red Dragon), TradeWars, Barren Realms Elite, et al.), in gamer magazines and BBS documentaries, but I guess I haven't pushed Overkill in that direction. Maybe it's time.
So, perhaps I can start up an article on Wikipedia and get it affirmed. It needs to be neutral, unbiased, matter-o-fact, like an encyclopedic article. Citations and notable references. (It might be difficult to find legitimized articles from publishers or magazines, but it's worth a look.) I'm not sure I can initiate it, either, being the author. I'll poke around.
Raise your claw if you have an interest.
Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Shartak, anyone?
on: February 24, 2015, 02:58:13 am
Has anyone played online? It's interesting. There's no plot or story, but the world map is of a massive island. Simple graphical layout. Different types of users (cannibals, pirates, island natives, outsiders) with different character classes (medics, scouts, warriors, scientists, etc.) The terrain is jungle, beach, grassland, swamps, mountain, caves, water, deep water, etc. There are animals roaming around: elephants, monkeys, rats, bats, rhinos, alligators, birds, silverbacks, and more. Various weapons and items to acquire. While simple, it's worth a look. I have a character playing as an "outsider" of a village called "York", if you end up joining. I've been experimenting with databases online, and could see Overkill (or a new game!) ported over to a web-browser.
Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Re: new mapset
on: February 12, 2015, 11:50:29 am
I am always on the lookout for a new mapset to play on. Ever since memphistw bbs went off the grid (he had an original mapset that I never did get totally mapped) I've been poking around the usuall suspects. Vidland.. Blitze..Malkrie..Stealth.. HighPass.. etc. I recently logged into to find that Humoungus had taken out OK a bit back and dropped the sysop a note about a game reset. He surprised me with a mapset that I have yet to play on. Abyss. This ought to be interesting.. DF **an incarnation of that Danned Dwarf..**
Worst. Map. Ever.