I did a seach on his BBS and came up with telnet://bbs.chris-co.org
I dropped by and checked out his current game. Its set on ZZexlia2 terrain, and is fairly new going by looking at the high score stats in the main complex. The highest player on record is level 4. I noted the game runs real slow and somewhat stuttery on Cris's system. The fight speed could race a snail across the screen and lose.
(no offense intended Chris)
There are 4-5 systems out there running OOII at the speeds it was ment to run. Unfortunately most of those systems run Vidland Mapset. There simply is no challenge to those games. I do pop in and keep my hand in on em when I get too frustrated with the stutters and freezes on the OK board.
The Mad Dwarf
**an Incarnation of a DamFrawd**