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1  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Anyone else on Overkill HQ Journeyman? on: July 31, 2006, 04:47:51 pm
hrmmmm just keeping the last ten.. yeah, That'd work, I could manage ta keep my name up and still get in my usuall slacking  }:)~
2  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / blah~ on: July 31, 2006, 04:41:40 pm
Tarix.. I personelly don't think they are really good nuff at OOII to do as these two have suggested. They simply aren't that good at OOII (in my opinion). I have another reason to agree with the possibility that they may be exploiting a bug or a game loophole. That being that  I once had an ingame  conversation with BigGun (Pud) . His last answer to me via the ingame posts was signed BigGun, but was posted while loged in as SweetPea.
  I've not felt the desire to bump heads against a stacked deck whilst they were actively playing either. A decent player running duped accounts makes it a hard road to travel against, in the wastelands.
 Dam Frawd... an Incarnation of a Mad Dwarf
P.S. whilst I am thinking bout it.. Is there a way to have more than 10 folks listed as defeaters of the great Lizzard in the hall of fame.?  could the same persons multiple listings be stacked to allow more to be listed in the hall of fame.? These and other questions wander thru my brain..
3  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / buggy..?? noooo.. on: July 15, 2006, 11:20:12 am
It can't be!.. It wasn't bugs that left me naked in the wasteland and stripped me of 10 mil worth of stats..was it??  Harrumph.. I will have ta soak my ammo in raid from now on..
The Mad Dwarf..
**an incarnation of a DamFrawd..**
4  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Greetings... on: February 20, 2006, 12:34:51 pm
I did a seach on his BBS and came up with  telnet://bbs.chris-co.org
  I dropped by and  checked out his current game. Its set on ZZexlia2 terrain, and is fairly new going by looking at the high score stats in the main complex. The highest  player on record is level 4.  I  noted the game runs real slow and somewhat stuttery on Cris's  system. The fight speed could race a snail across the screen and lose.  Smiley (no offense intended Chris)

    There are 4-5  systems out there running OOII at the speeds it was ment to run.   Unfortunately most of those systems run Vidland Mapset.  There simply is no challenge to those games. I do pop in and keep my hand in on em when I get too frustrated with the stutters and freezes on the OK board.  
  The Mad Dwarf
**an Incarnation of a DamFrawd**
5  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Bugs and Annoyances / maps on: November 20, 2005, 10:51:56 am
There used to be  if I recall right. I think it was part of the  editoo program you got with the older registered version of OOII.
The Mad Dwarf.
**an Incarnation of a Dam Frawd**
6  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Lag in OOII vrs going bald by hair being pulled out on: June 06, 2005, 11:44:45 am
I do belive Bald is winning.  I see more and more folks these days with the bald look. I wonder how well its going to look on this dwarf if I keep trying to play OOII against this lag monster I seem to run into.
 I just wanna screammmMMMMMM!!!!!! 8O
The Mad Dwarf..
**an incarnation of a DamFrawd**
7  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Bah~~ on: March 16, 2005, 11:09:32 am
Yall are just too freekin quiet. Fine lot of wasteland runners you are...
I ougta set a thumper under your pillows..
 The Mad Dwarf..
**another incarnation of a DamFrawd..**
8  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Greetz to you all on: January 23, 2005, 02:15:46 pm
    The first version of Operation Overkill was lost in a HD crash if I recall right. It never made it to BBs play really.  (thus  it being called OO II or OO 2 )
      Theres alotta differance between the game now and its first played version.  I may still have that version saved on a disk somewhere. I'm not sure. I know I have one of the older versions on a floppy disk though. I may even have my old reg #'s  for the game and the game editor.  I'll go looking thru my disks  and see what I can find
The Mad Dwarf
**another incarnation of a Dam Frawd**
PS. to the sysop.:  where did my last posts go!!  I was censored!!  I demand a re-count!
9  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / Lesson 2: "What to do after making Level 7" on: January 19, 2005, 11:13:43 am
I hunt for my 1st trikorder in the prison myself. I usually get one fairly quickly. If things are going well, I go in deep for that other prize.
   There didn't used to be hydrates on  all levels. I don't think there are any on lev 1 even now. There only used to be hydrates on 3 and 5. Trikorders were rare from those.  One mob on lev 5 almost always had one though.. (forget what it was called). He was tough to beat. Usually by the time I could, I already had one from an easier avenue. Some mobs were not ment to be beaten (grin)
The Mad Dwarf
**an incarnation of a DamFrawd**
10  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Ansiterm on: January 08, 2005, 12:13:32 pm
nope. DL'ed that already. hit alt-c and typed both  Telnet:// etc etc  and http:// etc etc.. and failed both times. Just tried it without the telnet/http  and connected ... but the funny part is I connected to a game I forgot I was playing.. Now I gotta figure out where I landed. LOL. (now.. what bbs is still useing Zavernus terrain.. hrmmm)
11  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / What's the big deal about the Xendrix? on: January 08, 2005, 10:41:57 am
Work on your strength and  dex stats and then see if you hit for more than 4 with an Xendy
12  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / Ansiterm on: January 01, 2005, 04:02:52 pm
Blah~.. I've just spent a coupla hours dinking with trying to get  one or the other of the OOII ansi terms to work with telnet and my cable modem. Anybody want ta slip me some info on how to play OOII with an ansiterm made for the game via telnet..? I miss the speeeeeed!
13  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Recruit Chat / and yet another Hello on: December 30, 2004, 12:26:53 pm
Howdy folks.
  Just wanted ta drop a note to those of ya that drop by, that the Mad Dwarf is still playing the odd OOII game. This last time its been a  1-2 year absense since I've found an active game to poke my nose into.

I've gotton senile since then I've discovered. First off,  I ran around with the Black Plague awhile. Big oops..   :roll:  Decided ta play the char out anyways even though I didn't catch the stat decline till I had 11 dex.
   Ahhhh *thats* what a vacpack does.. I knew that!!
I can't belive after,  uhmmmm (gotta think ta count here.. just a sec..)  uhhhhhh... 15 years.. (16,  hrmmmm  well.. close nuff.) of playing this game  I've  forgotton some of the finer details of survival in  the wastelands. At least I haven't teleported myself into  rock yet..  :lol:
The Mad Dwarf
***Another incarnation of a DamFrawd***
14  Operation: Overkill BBS Door Game / Killing Strategy / Lesson 2: "What to do after making Level 7" on: December 30, 2004, 12:07:59 pm
I can recall an Irish Irain, and have a vague recall of a Phantom monster. But I don't recall ever seeing a TrumpetMan.
 When I first started playing OOII  the monsters were different in quite a few places. Around my 4th/5th OOII-BBs  the sysop regestered the editoo program and had a blast editing monsters into the game. (Nero's BBs if I recall rightly)  I had the most fun killing a "Tom Peterson" (a late night furniture salesman in the NW who's comercials  were simply horrid)
The Mad Dwarf..
***an incarnation of a DamFrawd***
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