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 on: November 23, 2022, 12:36:32 am 
Started by Dwarf_in_hideing - Last post by DamFrawd
 I bumped into this same bug about a month ago. Had 2 players locked up in the same base yet again.  I think it is related to that last item bug. Just the other day I was booted after picking up spmething from my base on 5. When I loged back in I was reset to the beginning of the previous log in. Lost 3 mil in crystals I spent in the AFB. Lost the stats and weapons both... hrrumph

 on: September 12, 2020, 01:53:30 pm 
Started by Tarix - Last post by Mercury

 on: August 18, 2020, 03:03:45 am 
Started by Tarix - Last post by dgbehrends
Thanks for posting.  It's been a while since I have logged in and run around the wasteland.  I might run through the game again this winter.

 on: August 17, 2020, 03:15:49 am 
Started by Tarix - Last post by Eithleen
I first went back and checked all of these and made up my own list recently:

(multiple BBS systems) Doorparty: VIDLAND(1) 2 hours/4 hours delay

(multiple BBS systems) Bbslink: WARZONE(7) 30 minutes/4 hours delay

battlestarbbs.dyndns.org port 23: PARADOX(7) 2 hours max/1 hour delay

cavebbs.homeip.net port 23: XAIMAI(10) 60 min/no delay/3 sessions per day

convolution.us port 23: BAMORAS(7) 100 min/no delay

darksidebbs.com port 23: ZZEXLIA2(3) 2 hours max/no delay

dsbbs.net port 23
“main” BLIZE(3) 50 min/0 min delay
“easy” VIDLAND(1) 60 min/4 hours delay
“medium” MALKIRE(5) 50 min/4 hours delay
“hard” STEALTH(Cool 30 min/1 min delay

exciter.ws port 23: DREANIN(4) 60 min/1 hour delay/3 sessions per day (features extra encounters)

bbs.memphistw.org port 23: DOOMCROS 60 min/5 min delay (extremely laggy)

bbs.shadowscope.com port 23: “D, O, F, B” VIDLAND(1) 45 min/4 hours delay

(Last updated August 14, 2020)

I'm currently maintaining this list along with color maps on http://ooii.starflt.com/

 on: August 10, 2020, 04:23:19 am 
Started by DamFrawd - Last post by DamFrawd
seems Eithleen liked Larven, as they stomped thru it killing OK in a week.  I dunno what mapset the Cave BBs will put up next..
**a Incarnation of a Mad Dwarf**

 on: August 02, 2020, 04:50:54 pm 
Started by DamFrawd - Last post by DamFrawd
  Howdy Folks.. a few years back I heard mention that Nessus and Larven were mapsets that were created by a player. That player never got to play on these mapsets. Well Awhile back I talked the Sysop of the Cave BBs to use Nessus and Xcalibre killed the big leezard there recently. So I  asked the sysop to use Larven for this new re-set.  I've forgotten who asked to play on these, but there is a two day old re-set waiting for players there now. I plot to log in sometime this next week and take a poke at it myself  Smiley See ya in the wastelands chummers..
**an incarnation of a Mad Dwarf**

 on: December 20, 2019, 03:25:45 pm 
Started by Tarix - Last post by Tarix
There are many reasons why I am shutting down these forums. At this point it is mainly about security and upgrading this software which was cutting-edge when we started in 2002 but now is not.

With that said, even in 2019, there is still a lot of interest in the BBS scene and preserving games has become so huge that we actually saw Blizzard re-release a 15-year-old game in response to fan requests.

As we all know a lot of things have changed over the years and within the past year there have actually been some pretty cool developments in the BBS space which I plan to take advantage of to give us all a place to play again.

In the meantime I've set up a Discord server for Operation: Overkill so that people can reconnect and discuss everything OO related old and new!

 on: March 18, 2018, 07:53:13 am 
Started by Dustin - Last post by Dustin
Yeah, that was it. Looks good now.

 on: March 18, 2018, 01:48:58 am 
Started by Dustin - Last post by Tarix
Was is the SSL problem perhaps?

 on: February 26, 2018, 12:58:36 am 
Started by Dustin - Last post by Dustin
Is this website fried? I'm not seeing any images.

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