The Guard in the AFBS only lets me hit him first 2/30 tries. ONe of those times, I was able to kill him. The other time, he ran away with 20 hit points on him.
My Dex was 83.
So do I increase my odds of hitting him first. Anyways, I spent 2 hours on this trick and only manage to hit him first 2/30 times.
If you can manage to handle the jerky action combat, it's much easier. I usually drop stuff so half my inv in empty (only keeping what i want cloned) and use only 1 weapon. That way u can grab the cloned weapon after the fight. The best thing to clone are Zimmers, Landmines, TrigNets, and PolyCarbon armor. Armor is tricky to clone cause u fight first with it on, then again with no armor in order to grab the newly cloned polycarbon or reflecto.
With a TrigNet, killing the guard is easy *IF* you get the first shot and he misses. If not, run away, heal up, and try again.
Some items sell like hotcakes to most players, including:
Zimmers, Landmines, Trikorders, Polycarbon Armor, TrigNet guns, and if you're looking for quick $$$ try Hydrite eggs too.
Oh, and of course Telegrasps are handy for cloning.... you can clone them as much as u want, and when done just use one to get u back home....Or just clone Zimmers to take you back to your base. Of course AFB keys and Floppy Disks are useful to clone as well, and always clone 1 medkit along with your other stuff.
Grand Cyning of the Blazewarrior Alliance