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Author Topic: clone items for money  (Read 10413 times)
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« on: June 30, 2004, 10:18:27 am »

The Guard in the AFBS only lets me hit him first  2/30 tries.  ONe of those times, I was able to kill him.  The other time, he ran away with 20 hit points on him.

My Dex was 83.
So do I increase my odds of hitting him first.  Anyways, I spent 2 hours on this trick and only manage to hit him first 2/30 times.
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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2004, 11:30:48 am »

Quote from: "TermX"
The Guard in the AFBS only lets me hit him first  2/30 tries.  ONe of those times, I was able to kill him.  The other time, he ran away with 20 hit points on him.

My Dex was 83.
So do I increase my odds of hitting him first.  Anyways, I spent 2 hours on this trick and only manage to hit him first 2/30 times.

If you can manage to handle the jerky action combat, it's much easier.  I usually drop stuff so half my inv in empty (only keeping what i want cloned) and use only 1 weapon.  That way u can grab the cloned weapon after the fight.  The best thing to clone are Zimmers, Landmines, TrigNets, and PolyCarbon armor.  Armor is tricky to clone cause u fight first with it on, then again with no armor in order to grab the newly cloned polycarbon or reflecto.
With a TrigNet, killing the guard is easy *IF* you get the first shot and he misses.  If not, run away, heal up, and try again.
Some items sell like hotcakes to most players, including:
Zimmers, Landmines, Trikorders, Polycarbon Armor, TrigNet guns, and if you're looking for quick $$$ try Hydrite eggs too.
Oh, and of course Telegrasps are handy for cloning.... you can clone them as much as u want, and when done just use one to get u back home....Or just clone Zimmers to take you back to your base.  Of course AFB keys and Floppy Disks are useful to clone as well, and always clone 1 medkit along with your other stuff.
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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2004, 05:56:07 am »

Influx can give you a dex advantage, but it won't allow you to shoot first.   The clone always shoots first, and influx has nothing to do with his accuracy, only yours.  In my experience he will hit you at least 80% of the time.  It probably depends on your accuracy but I'm not certain about that.  Do you have a particularly impressive accuracy percentage (>90%)?  

There is no way to kill him reliably without a trignet.  A hit will keep him from attacking the first h2h round and give you a strong hp advantage.

Action combat is really the only way to do it, because you have to hit him every round.  One miss willl wipe out your advantage, because he almost certainly will hit you.  The last thing you want is to die at that level.

I believe the guard's bravery is your bravery.  If you have a particularly low bravery percentage you might find it impossible to kill him.  

Attempting to fight without armor will deplete your medkits much faster, because when the guard hits you with his trignet (most of the time) you'll have to run away and heal up that much more.  Armor isn't really worth cloning.  

The best item to clone is the alien device.  It sells for 95k.  A player spending lots of time in the afb shouldn't have a problem getting one.  I would not recommend cloning things like eggs, keys, and medkits.  It is a huge expense to pull off cloning, not to mention a huge risk, and when it works you want to pull in the most possible cash.  Selling a trignet and 6 alien devices at the afb nets you ~650k.  I know of no other way to make that kind of cash in a single turn.
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« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2004, 07:23:57 am »

It's been my experience that killing the guard isn't THAT hard.
You are correct that common items (and even those purchasable in the AFB) aren't worth cloning.
My favorite thing of all to clone are Zimmers, Telegrasps, Landmines, and Trikorders (if team needs em).
Anything else is a waste of time.
I usually do clone 1 medkit as well, and YES I most certainly do use action combat....otherwise it'd be pointless.

The best strategy to use against the guard is as follows:
Go fight weak monsters near the complex, intentionally missing until your accuracy is near to nothing.  This will also affect the guard's accuracy (he is after all your clone).  Try not to run away, so as to keep your bravery around 80% or better.  Once your accuracy is shot to hell, go fight the guard with your TrigNet.  I guarantee he will miss if your accuracy is low enough.  Of course now the thing to do is recover your action combat skillz and whoop his rump.
Also, it's best to not wear armor when fighting him so he'll take more damage from the TrigNet.  PolyCarbon can be bought in the AFB so it's not worth risking your life over.....

This is the same strategy I used to use back in the mid-90's when I spent most of my gaming time cloning Zimmers, Telegrasps, and Landmines.  Ahhh...those were the days......

I hope this helps, and let me know if it makes cloning easier for you.  I know it always does for me.  Smiley
And YES he CAN be killed with a trilasm...though it's dumb to try.  :roll:
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« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2004, 09:22:39 am »

Thanks guys!  So the problem is my hit accuracy was 90+.  I'll have to lower it so I don't get hit first.
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« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2004, 04:19:55 am »

Quote from: "teucer"
Influx can give you a dex advantage, but it won't allow you to shoot first.   The clone always shoots first, and influx has nothing to do with his accuracy, only yours.  In my experience he will hit you at least 80% of the time.  It probably depends on your accuracy but I'm not certain about that.  Do you have a particularly impressive accuracy percentage (>90%)?

Would you verify this, Tarix?  I don't believe the clone guard *always* gets the first hit -- if you're already fighting in the AFBs, your character stats are high quality, and it might come down to a coin flip on who strikes first.
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