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Author Topic: How to Make Level 7 within 60 mins, part III  (Read 12809 times)
Leader of the Lizards
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« on: December 04, 2004, 08:23:40 am »

**********Nice to know things about the game**********

    1.  The following are the only things that can kill you in the
                1) Fighting Monsters
                2) Getting Shot in the Back (I hate this one.)
                3) Dying of Hunger
                4) Excessive Radiation
                5) Diseases
                6) Poison
                7) STUPIDITY - Not surrendering to monster's because
                               you don't want to give them half your
                               crystals or you want something they
                               are carrying, i.e. Weapons, armor,

                Cool Other players (after you log out of the game.)
                   This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  I hate it
                   when a higher level player kills lower level
                   players.  This game is about killing Overkill not
                   each other.  The only time I will kill another
                   player is if they Attack me while I am camped out
                   in the wastelands or in my base, Attack my bases,
                   steal my trikorder, they are a higher level than
                   I, or are killing lower level players and
                   destroying their property.  A player who kills
                   a lower level player without cause (ie for kicks)
                   is a sore on the wastelands and should be shown
                   no mercy, and killed on site, if they are found
                   dead in the wastelands they should be stripped of
                   everything and left for the vultures.

        Other than the above reasons you can wander around the
        Wastelands indefinitely with 1 hp. In other words you can
        fall in as many pits, and ride the cyclone as many times as
        you want with 1 hp and it won't kill you, but if you suffer
        from 1-6 listed above, you have a very good chance of dying.

    2.  You can't fall through a radiation pit that has a rock
        underneath it.

    3.  Once you step on a radiation pit and don't fall through to
        the next Map Level, you can step on other radiation pits
        successively without falling into them and taking hit point
        damage, as long as you don't step on any other type of
        terrain in between.

    4.  The following is what Experience Levels you can find the
        Oracle on the Different Map Levels:
                You can find the Oracle on:
                        Map 1 - when you are Level  4 or below
                        Map 2 - when you are Level  6 or below
                        Map 3 - when you are Level  8 or below
                        Map 4 - when you are Level 10 or below
                        Map 5 - when you are Level 12 or below
        After you make Level 13, you can no longer find the oracle
        on any of the maps.  The best way to remember what Map to
        look on is when the game tells you, You will now get low
        experience point values for the monsters above Map 2,3,4,
        or 5.  If you are getting low exp point values and crystals
        from the monsters you can't find the Oracle on that Map.

        Using this information, technique and practice you will be
        able to make *AT LEAST LEVEL 6* within 60 mins and if you
        really are kicking butt then you will make Level 7 and
        deserve it!!!  The main thing is DON'T PIDDLE AROUND you
        need to make a decision and stick with it.  Don't waste
        time thinking about what to do.

                       ****  Good Luck  ****
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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2008, 11:51:39 pm »

**********Nice to know things about the game**********

    1.  The following are the only things that can kill you in the
                1) Fighting Monsters
                2) Getting Shot in the Back (I hate this one.)
                3) Dying of Hunger
                4) Excessive Radiation
                5) Diseases
                6) Poison
                7) STUPIDITY - Not surrendering to monster's because
                               you don't want to give them half your
                               crystals or you want something they
                               are carrying, i.e. Weapons, armor,

                Cool Other players (after you log out of the game.)
                   This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  I hate it
                   when a higher level player kills lower level
                   players.  This game is about killing Overkill not
                   each other.  The only time I will kill another
                   player is if they Attack me while I am camped out
                   in the wastelands or in my base, Attack my bases,
                   steal my trikorder, they are a higher level than
                   I, or are killing lower level players and
                   destroying their property.  A player who kills
                   a lower level player without cause (ie for kicks)
                   is a sore on the wastelands and should be shown
                   no mercy, and killed on site, if they are found
                   dead in the wastelands they should be stripped of
                   everything and left for the vultures.

        Other than the above reasons you can wander around the
        Wastelands indefinitely with 1 hp. In other words you can
        fall in as many pits, and ride the cyclone as many times as
        you want with 1 hp and it won't kill you, but if you suffer
        from 1-6 listed above, you have a very good chance of dying.

...and Landmines!  I just re-discovered this gruesome fact today. Smiley
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« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 04:25:50 pm »

 Uhmmmm that landmine was probbly mine.   Can i have it back now..?    Grin   On a side note I belive that even a land mine acts like a pit trap or the tornado,  in that it won't drop you lower than that 1 hitpoint.  It's been awhile since I've stepped on any so I'm not sure about this though. I did my experimenting on em a long time ago.
  On another side note:  Some of the info you posted from Hawk's FAQ is incorrect these days.
>>>.  The following is what Experience Levels you can find the
>>>        Oracle on the Different Map Levels:
>>>                You can find the Oracle on:

>>>                        Map 1 - when you are Level  4 or below
>>>                        Map 2 - when you are Level  6 or below
>>>                        Map 3 - when you are Level  8 or below
>>>                        Map 4 - when you are Level 10 or below
>>>                        Map 5 - when you are Level 12 or below
Incorrect.  You can find the oracle on any level.. at any level. You just won't be told of the oracle's whereabouts
by the Aroura or the snitch monsters after a certin point/level. The level 1 snitch is good till you reach level 5, The
level 2 snitch will cough up the information till you are level 7. ETC. The way to know if a snitch has turned on you
is to note when  you no longer get full exp from kills on a level. Once you no longer get that full boat of exp.. it's
time to go to a deeper level and listen to your galiticom.
  I don't know when the aroura gets uppity with her information as I've never really hunted it down
for game information.  But I am aware there is a limit. Shes a cranky ole broad  }:)

 >>>       After you make Level 13, you can no longer find the oracle
 >>>       on any of the maps.  The best way to remember what Map to
 >>>       look on is when the game tells you, You will now get low
 >>>       experience point values for the monsters above Map 2,3,4,
 >>>       or 5.  If you are getting low exp point values and crystals
 >>>       from the monsters you can't find the Oracle on that Map.
  again.. yes you can find the oracle on any map level.. after you've past the point where you
no longer are talked to, or even need to find it.  I am pretty sure you can do so after level 13..
but I haven't pushed my exp to that level in some years.. so I am not positive on that point.
By the time I'm level  9, or on some mapsets.. 10, I've usually hunted the oracle enough to go on to
the next phase of the game  Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 06:41:10 am »

Uhmmmm that landmine was probbly mine.   Can i have it back now..?    Grin   On a side note I belive that even a land mine acts like a pit trap or the tornado,  in that it won't drop you lower than that 1 hitpoint.  It's been awhile since I've stepped on any so I'm not sure about this though. I did my experimenting on em a long time ago.

A safety net in the code is installed for new players (level 5 and below) which prevents instant death when tripping a landmine.  However, if you're over level 5 and with HPs below 25, you're the latest decoration of bone splatter on the rocks.

  On another side note:  Some of the info you posted from Hawk's FAQ is incorrect these days.

He's bird meat.

Incorrect.  You can find the oracle on any level.. at any level. You just won't be told of the oracle's whereabouts
by the Aroura or the snitch monsters after a certin point/level.

The dwarf isn't as mad as he plays himself to be!  He states the truth.

  I don't know when the aroura gets uppity with her information as I've never really hunted it down
for game information.  But I am aware there is a limit. Shes a cranky ole broad  }:)

She will give accurate information on the oracle's location, albeit expensive.  She sucks a mean neck.

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