I always hunt the oracle. It allows you to advance so much quicker. I rarely seek to find him after the 3rd or 4th hit of the login/day however. This stems from not needing to be oraclle greedy.. and because of an old setting that sysops used to set up in OOII. I am not sure if its still there or just if the default is set really high.
Its rare to bump into its use these days... but the Oracle threshold used to be adjustable. A sysop would set it for 3 hits.. and the 4th hit you'd get warned off by the oracle. The 5th hit would *reduce* your stats.
The drawback was that we are talking about the total of hits by players. That means in an active game the first player to meet the set threshold got the benifits.. and the next players sucked up the warnings and stat losses. THIS is the reason for folks looking down upon the Oracle hunter.. greedy lil snots that they were!
Now if this setting could be adjusted to a set number of hits per player, it would add alot back to the game. OOII has been dumbed down enough I think. Its not gathering the new player by makeing it such a cakewalk for the older players.
I used to love the struggle to get into the AFB in a game with 2 max Oracle hits.. and a hard mapset. Saveing up every watercrystal I could till I got lucky and killed for the componant that got me into the weapons and research area.. I've done it a time or three without hitting the oracle more than 2 times in a game.. and not reaching higher than level 10
Dam Frawd
aka The_Mad_Dwarf
aka That- Dammed- Dwarf- that- can't- post- by- his-usual -name- because- this- system- lost- his- password - and-dosen't -know-his-new-e-mail