I've got one bug and one suggestion for the game. First, the bug is in the base supply room, when you put in the # to get an item description it tells you about the next item on the list (ask for #2 the salanger, and it'll tell you about #1 the steel chain). the very last item, the combat suit, won't even come up, even if you add one to the number (I can't remember it's exact effect from way back sadly). The next is a suggestion, In the AFB reaseach room we NEED describtions of the special items you can buy there ( and there must be the cool-ass pictures made out of characters). Possibley the overkill fan base can submit text and picture ideas. I'll also suggest adding descriptions of items that can be sold, but not bought ( like the propeller. Is it a boat propeller? how the heck do you use that as a weapon, do you hold onto two of the blades and wack the guy over the head? I think after 15+ years we need to end the mystery :lol: ) While I'm suggesting work for other people to do

the AFB could use some ansii graphics past the trap door to make it feel more base-ish.