I first went back and checked all of these and made up my own list recently:
(multiple BBS systems) Doorparty: VIDLAND(1) 2 hours/4 hours delay
(multiple BBS systems) Bbslink: WARZONE(7) 30 minutes/4 hours delay
battlestarbbs.dyndns.org port 23: PARADOX(7) 2 hours max/1 hour delay
cavebbs.homeip.net port 23: XAIMAI(10) 60 min/no delay/3 sessions per day
convolution.us port 23: BAMORAS(7) 100 min/no delay
darksidebbs.com port 23: ZZEXLIA2(3) 2 hours max/no delay
dsbbs.net port 23
“main” BLIZE(3) 50 min/0 min delay
“easy” VIDLAND(1) 60 min/4 hours delay
“medium” MALKIRE(5) 50 min/4 hours delay
“hard” STEALTH(

30 min/1 min delay
exciter.ws port 23: DREANIN(4) 60 min/1 hour delay/3 sessions per day (features extra encounters)
bbs.memphistw.org port 23: DOOMCROS 60 min/5 min delay (extremely laggy)
bbs.shadowscope.com port 23: “D, O, F, B” VIDLAND(1) 45 min/4 hours delay
(Last updated August 14, 2020)
I'm currently maintaining this list along with color maps on