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Author Topic: Being booted from the game  (Read 11252 times)
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« on: July 13, 2013, 07:40:49 am »

  Howdy folks.     I recently ran into a bug in one of the normal OOII games I play. I loged out of a game on Convolution BBS. (version 1.20) and now the game boots me when I try to play again. I am able to plug in my game password, see the days interest gained, see a charecter screen of my stats and inventory. After that screen, it boots me out. I am past where it would boot me if I was trying to play a round too close to a previous round. I see no error message. I have talked to the sysop and he has manually run maintoo.exe and he can log into OOII with no problem. For a test I made a dupe account on that bbs and was able to start a new character and play it. Since I know the passwords to my own bases I took the dupe to a few of my bases and strangely on one base was told I used a wrong password. On the next base I was admitted. After gaining entry to that base, (the same base my main charecter is camped in) I was booted from the game on that account, and now I have two accounts that can't play OOII.

   Any ideas on what causes this?  I was prepping for a run on OK and this is frustrating me.   Thanks in advance
Dam Frawd

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« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2013, 03:17:27 am »

  Howdy folks.     I recently ran into a bug in one of the normal OOII games I play. I loged out of a game on Convolution BBS. (version 1.20) and now the game boots me when I try to play again. I am able to plug in my game password, see the days interest gained, see a charecter screen of my stats and inventory. After that screen, it boots me out. I am past where it would boot me if I was trying to play a round too close to a previous round. I see no error message. I have talked to the sysop and he has manually run maintoo.exe and he can log into OOII with no problem. For a test I made a dupe account on that bbs and was able to start a new character and play it. Since I know the passwords to my own bases I took the dupe to a few of my bases and strangely on one base was told I used a wrong password. On the next base I was admitted. After gaining entry to that base, (the same base my main charecter is camped in) I was booted from the game on that account, and now I have two accounts that can't play OOII.

   Any ideas on what causes this?  I was prepping for a run on OK and this is frustrating me.   Thanks in advance
Dam Frawd

This is a strange one.  Do you think it might be related to the boot you get when you pick the last item in a base?  With the last item bug you can usually log back in though.

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« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2022, 12:36:32 am »

 I bumped into this same bug about a month ago. Had 2 players locked up in the same base yet again.  I think it is related to that last item bug. Just the other day I was booted after picking up spmething from my base on 5. When I loged back in I was reset to the beginning of the previous log in. Lost 3 mil in crystals I spent in the AFB. Lost the stats and weapons both... hrrumph
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