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Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 14990 times)
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« on: October 23, 2003, 12:24:40 am »

Hi, my name is Paul and I'm a computer support tech in SE Michigan.
I was cruising the net for BBS nostalgia and saw a million sites with LORD, Tradewars, etc. and I thought... hey!  What about that game with the wasteland and skinless men?  It took me a while to remember the name but now, after 9 years, I'm playing OO again!  Many thanks to everyone who still works on this, IMHO, the best BBS game of all time.
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« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2003, 09:52:43 am »

Quote from: "Lucifer"
Hi, my name is Paul and I'm a computer support tech in SE Michigan.
I was cruising the net for BBS nostalgia and saw a million sites with LORD, Tradewars, etc. and I thought... hey!  What about that game with the wasteland and skinless men?  It took me a while to remember the name but now, after 9 years, I'm playing OO again!  Many thanks to everyone who still works on this, IMHO, the best BBS game of all time.

Hey Paul welcome aboard!  Overkill was sleeping for a long time, and our web presence has been a bit spotty, but we're trying to change that.

The game comes from a time when games were still challenging, tough, and gritty.  I was pretty shocked how easy it was to die and how vicious the PvP was.

It may always be a text game, but we're hoping to continue to modernize it a bit and keep it running on newer machines and OSes ...

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« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2003, 07:14:25 pm »

I have to say, the one thing from the old days that was a little better was the fact that connecting at 2400 made it MUCH easier to do action combat... it'd say hit B and then scroll one letter at a time giving ample time to tap the spacebar!  Of course it may be that my reflexes are also getting worse as I get older <G>.

Still, I'm very glad to see such a great game live on, this site and the work being done here are a true testiment to how good games can continue to be popular based on gameplay alone.
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« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2003, 07:25:07 am »

Quote from: "Lucifer"
I have to say, the one thing from the old days that was a little better was the fact that connecting at 2400 made it MUCH easier to do action combat... it'd say hit B and then scroll one letter at a time giving ample time to tap the spacebar!  Of course it may be that my reflexes are also getting worse as I get older <G>.

Hmm, one letter at a time?  It certainly wasn't like that in the Dallas area.  I remember on some of the tourny's that action combat was cranked so high you had to suffer the first level or two on random!

However, in the not so distant future I hope to come up with a way to allow action combat to happen on the client side using the Overkill Term.  The biggest problem is just cheat prevention.

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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2003, 10:43:01 am »

Quote from: "Lucifer"
Hi, my name is Paul and I'm a computer support tech in SE Michigan.
I was cruising the net for BBS nostalgia and saw a million sites with LORD, Tradewars, etc. and I thought... hey!  What about that game with the wasteland and skinless men?  It took me a while to remember the name but now, after 9 years, I'm playing OO again!  Many thanks to everyone who still works on this, IMHO, the best BBS game of all time.

Royal Oak, Michigan... no shit!  I was actually born there, so big ups to you and the boys in Motown.  Nice to see an Overkill player that recides from my corner of the world.  Welcome to the website, Lucy!

PS: Trivia note: the skinless man... mainly inspired from the movie Hellraiser!   :twisted:

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« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2003, 09:43:28 am »

Quote from: "Weezal"

Royal Oak, Michigan... no shit!  I was actually born there, so big ups to you and the boys in Motown.  Nice to see an Overkill player that recides from my corner of the world.  Welcome to the website, Lucy!

Wow, that explains so much all of the sudden.

Damn Yankees.

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« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 12:33:27 pm »

Well, with all these old OO players, I think even now (even though I haven't been able to play for several years and just now re-found the community) that I am still the oldest of you all.  I started in SA Texas and I believe that I was the oldest player there (if my failing memory serves me correctly) and Suprax (hopefully) will confirm this.  At that time I was in my '60s and I have aged a little since then.  BTW my handle at that time was aged and sometimes Gregor.
Hi Suprax
Slumper is still around too.

Don Varnell
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 06:02:40 am by aged » Logged
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